Would you like to save a significant amount of money for your family each month? Who wouldn't? CMHA makes comfortable living affordable for you and your family. When you rent with CMHA, you enjoy so many features and conveniences, you won't believe all you get at a rate that's affordable for your family.
CMHA rental properties are located in neighborhoods throughout the city of Cincinnati and Hamilton County. CMHA offers families and individuals many choices of rental opportunities that are close to schools, jobs, churches, shopping, community and cultural centers and everything else that makes your neighborhood, your home.
What is Asset Management?
Asset Management was established to provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. Asset Management comes in all sizes and types, from scattered single family houses to apartments for elderly families.
There are approximately 1.3 million households living in asset management units, managed by some 3,300 Housing Authorities (HA)s. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administers Federal aid to local housing agencies (HAs) that manage the housing for residents at rents they can afford. HUD furnishes technical and professional assistance in planning, developing and managing these developments.
What are Housing Choice Vouchers?
A Housing Choice Voucher covers the gap between what a low-income family can afford and what the private market demands for rental housing. The program allows low-income families more housing options throughout Hamilton County since it utilizes the private rental market. An HCV family pays 30 percent of their income toward the rent and CMHA pays a direct subsidy called a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) to the property owner or management company to cover the balance of the monthly rent.
Properties in the HCV program are owned and managed by private property owners. The maintenance, lease enforcement and resident screening is the responsibility of the building owner or management company.