The payment standard used will be the lower of Voucher Size or number of bedrooms
The utility allowance is the total of the tenant responsible utilities and tenent provided appliances listed below, and is based on actual bedroom size for the unit
If the tenant will be responsible for the following utilities, enter 'y' else enter 'n'.
The following monthly allowances to be included only if tenant provides the appliance. If applicable enter 'y' else enter 'n'.
This worksheet is for estimation purposes only. CMHA is not responsible for the accuracy of the data if you remove the protection or alter any of the formulas. The accuracy of the calculation is entirely dependent upon the accuracy of the data entered. This worksheet calculates whether or not a tenant can afford a specific unit; it does not take Rent Reasonableness into consideration. Property owners could be asked to reduce the rent to comply with Rent Reasonableness requirements even if a tenant can afford the requested rent.
When using the Rent Calculator each calculated field is updated automatically so there is no submit button.
To change Pay Periods click on the image and you will be given more options.