December 15, 2016
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
The request to repeat the City of Cincinnati sponsored webinar has been phenomenal. So here we go again. Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) is on the move, spending as much as $700 million dollars over the next five years to create quality housing and greener communities for low-income residents. Sustainability and inclusion are core strategies for CMHA to strengthen local neighborhoods and add to the vitality of the area’s small businesses community. This is a “must attend” webinar for SBEs, WBEs, MBEs and Section 3 businesses that want a slice of CMHA’s multi-million dollar RAD pie. The session includes a wide array of reliable information about procurement opportunities, specialized training for contractors on bonding, business planning, SEMS™ Green Business Certification, Match-Maker events and lots more. Learn how to build your business while building the future in Greater Cincinnati!
To register click here