April 27, 2022
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Join us to get a first hand look at the Requests for Tenancy Approval and the Leases & Contracts Processes.
Do you know the proper steps to take and ensure timely payments? Could you be making simple mistakes that hold up processing and payments? The HCV Program Assistant Director will present this month's CMHA U!
Avoid getting an RTA rejection or a denied Housing Assistance Payment contract.
April 27th at 5:30pm on-line
This class will refresh you on how to complete both the RTA and Leases & Contracts packets. Learn where you and potential tenants must sign, the forms that need to be returned and some of the most common mistakes to avoid.
Details on how to join the virtual meeting are below.
Meeting ID: 890 4194 4095
Passcode: 999906
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,89041944095#,,,,*999906# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,89041944095#,,,,*999906# US (New York)