April 14, 2018
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Property Owners: Showcase your properties to potential tenants, schedule viewings, bring applications, brochures, photos and any other info to show voucher holders.
Voucher Holders: Meet property owners with available housing. Learn about available properties, schedule viewings and get an RTA.
Benefits: Voucher Holders Readily Available — Free Marketing — Multiple Property Owners
Space is limited to the first 25 owners who register.
WHEN: April 14, 2018 9am to Noon
WHERE: CMHA Auditorium 1635 Western Avenue
REGISTER*: On-line at www.cintimha.com/calendar
By phone at (513) 977-5800
*Registration is for property owners only
Units must be ready for inspection. Units must not have city code violations or outstanding property taxes. Units must be located within Hamilton County.
Marketing Mondays will not take place April 16th.
Venue: Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority HCV Administrative Office