Housing Quality Standards (HQS)
The Housing Quality Standards (HQS) consist of performance requirements and acceptability criteria or HUD approved variations in the acceptability criteria.
All program housing must meet the HQS performance requirements both at commencement of assisted occupancy, and throughout the assisted tenancy.
In addition to meeting HQS performance requirements, the housing must meet the acceptability criteria stated in this section, unless variations are approved by HUD.
HUD may approve acceptability criteria variations for the following purposes:
- Variations which apply standards in local housing codes or other codes adopted by the PHA
- Variations because of local climatic or geographic conditions
Acceptability criteria variations may only be approved if such variations either:
- Meet or exceed the performance requirements; or
- Significantly expand affordable housing opportunities for families assisted under the program.
HUD will not approve any acceptability criteria variation if HUD believes that such variation is likely to adversely affect the health or safety of participant families, or severely restrict housing choice.